Multiple Businesses create a lot of data. This data acts as a valuable asset in different forms. However, this data can be converted into worthy information only after using data analytics tools. One such tool is Power BI. It is a tool powered by Microsoft. The following article is a detailed Power BI Tutorial that gives you in-depth knowledge about Power BI.

What is BI? Learn all about it in our Power BI Tutorial

Business intelligence (BI) is the process of transforming data into usable information that helps a company make technical and operational choices. To offer users with detailed insight about the performance of the business, BI solutions also acquire and analyse sources of data.

These Technologies then show analytical discoveries in the interactive forms, For example -reports, highlights, infographics, charts, diagrams, and visualisations.

Furthermore, The phrase “business intelligence” is also used to describe a set of technologies that enable rapid, easy-to-understand access to data-driven insights for an organization’s present status. Let us continue reading Power BI Tutorial to learn more.

What is Power BI?

Power BI is a set of software services, applications, and connections that work together to transform multiple data sources into logical, visually engaging, and dynamic conclusions.

Its goal is to give dynamic visualisations and business intelligence capabilities through an easy-to-use interface that allows end users to construct their own data visualizations.

Power BI makes it simple to connect to your data sources, visualise and uncover what matters, and share your findings with whoever you choose. It is several features and supports all the major platforms such as –

  • Power BI Desktop- Application for  Windows desktops and Laptops.
  • The Power BI service – An online SaaS (Software as a Solution) service.
  • Power BI mobile apps – Compatible for Windows, iOS, and Android.

Why do we use Power BI?

Power BI is a powerful tool that has become essential in every kind of business. The reason you must use Power BI is the dynamic features that it supports. Using Power BI you can boost productivity, get deeper insights and earn more profits in your business. The top seven reasons why we use Power BI are mentioned in our Power BI Tutorial and are as follows.

  • Power BI is quick to start and it has a simple setup process.
  • It allows you to save time by sending large files, reports etc, easily.
  • Power BI has unique dashboard features. The Dashboard gets refreshed in real time. As a result, Real-time data and graphics may be shown and updated in any report or dashboard.
  • Cortana, a digital assistant by Microsoft, is compatible with Power BI. This helps the users of Power BI to view charts and graphs, and ask queries in simple words. This is especially beneficial for people who operate Power BI on mobile devices.
  • Power BI also allows you customization services. Therefore, viewers can see only that data which is permissible. This feature also helps users to easily navigate through relevant data.
  • The Power BI also has interesting features of Artificial Intelligence. Thus, Image recognition and text analytics are available in Power BI, as well as the ability to develop machine learning models and interact with Azure Machine Learning.

Types of Power BI tools – A complete Power BI Tutorial in 2021

Power BI offers several tools that can be helpful in your business. The most important types of Power BI tools are as follows.

●    Power BI Desktop

Power BI Desktop is a desktop version of Power BI. Thus, Power BI desktop is the company’s primary tool for creating and publication. It is used by power development teams to create brand-new packages and analyses from scratch.

Important Note: Power BI Desktops costs nothing and is completely free.

●    Power BI Service

Power BI is a service from Microsoft. Power Bl summaries, database systems, Reporting tools, and findings are saved inside a digital Software called as a Service (SaaS). The Power BI Service platform is used for sharing, management, and collaborating. The cost of the Power BI license is $10 per month per user and is quite affordable in the long run.

●    Data Gateway for Power BI

Power BI Data Gateway connects Power BI Service with on-premise sources of data including DirectQuery, Import, and Live Query. Bl Admin is the one that can install the data gateway for Power BI. Azure Service Bus secures data transport between Power BI and the on-premises data gateway. To further safeguard your files in the database, gateway administrators’ accounts are encoded and therefore only decoded on the gateways computer.

●    Report Server for Power BI

It can accommodate browseable reports, smartphone reports, KPIs, and Power BL Reports for PCs. It is refreshed every four months and is overseen by an IT department. Users can make changes to Power Bl reports and other reports created by the development team. Report Server provides your clients access to sophisticated, dynamic reports as well as SQL Server Reporting Services’ corporate reporting features. As a result, you’ll be able to study visual data and immediately spot trends, allowing you to make better, quicker judgments.

●    Mobile Apps from Power BI

Using Power BI Mobile App, you can get valuable data insights anywhere and at any time. The mobile apps are available for Windows, iOS, and Android. The app can be used to view Power Bl Service Report, Server dashboards and much more.

Data sources for the Power BI

Power BI supports all the major Data Sources. The most common data sources for the Power BI are as follows.

  • Flat Files
  • SQL Database
  • OData Feed
  • Blank Query
  • Azure Cloud platform
  • Online Services
  • Blank Query
  • Other data sources such as Hadoop, Exchange, or Active Directory

These data sources have their own unique properties and you can use it to your advantage.

What are Key terms used in Power BI?

VisualizationA visual representation of data with the goal of achieving one or more objectives. It displays information on a single screen. It notifies users when there are concerns or problems. Operational, performance, personal, and other factors are all taken into consideration.
DatasetsA dataset is a collection of data that you may import or connect to. Renaming, refreshing, removing, and exploring datasets are all options.
DashboardDashboards are a set of data of one or more tiles as well as widgets. It’s designed to provide the customized view of a subset of the datasets.
ReportsA Power BI report is one or several pages of graphics. It can be designed from scratch, inserted into an existing dashboard, or constructed using data sets.
TileIt is a single visual in a document or an oval dashboard box that includes every image.

You can find the complete glossary of key terms used in Power Bi on the official site of Microsoft.

History of Power BI

Power BI was an idea by Ruler and Dhers Netz, both of whom work for Microsoft’s SQL Server Coverage Services business. It was called the Project Crescent at that time and was developed by West Chadic George in the year 2010. Microsoft launched it in 2011 in combination with SQL Server Mount McKinley. However, In September 2014, Microsoft published the first Power BI preview.

Advantages of Power BI – Power BI Tutorial to read in 2021

There are significant advantages of Power BI. The most significant benefits that you get right away using Power BI are as follows.

  • Pre-built dashboards and reports for SaaS solutions are available.
  • Update the dashboard in real time.
  • Secure and dependable access to your cloud or on-premises data sources
  • Power BI provides a supportive space, easy implementation, and flexible customization.
  • Exploration of data utilizing human language queries.
  • Users may construct dashboards with powerful customisation possibilities so they can immediately collect primary data they require.
  • KPIs can have alerts set up to keep people informed about critical metrics and data.
  • Power BI offers a user-friendly design that makes it much easier to manage than sophisticated spreadsheets.
  • Cloud computing services like Bot framework and Cortana can be combined with Microsoft Power BI services.
  • In order to install Power BI, there is less requirement for engineering or IT resources. Some situations do not necessitate the use of engineers at all. Managers generate an API key, which they then enter into the application.
  • As long as you have a connection to the internet, you may check your Power Bi reports from both a smartphone and a PC. For iOS, Android, and Windows devices, dedicated applications are free.

Are there any disadvantages of Power BI? All about it in this Power BI Tutorial

Power BI has some drawbacks as well. The Disadvantages of Power BI are as follows.

  • Users with the same mail domain names can only access dashboards and reports.
  • Imported data and data acquired through genuine connections will not be mixed by Power Bl.
  • Power Bi will not accept files more than 250 Megabytes or zip files that have been compressed using X-velocity in-memory data on the server.
  • Power BI will not accept files greater than 1 GB in size.
  • Power BI may experience performance difficulties from time to time, since it has been noted that it cannot execute more than 20000-30000 rows while experiencing difficulty for specific queries. It’ll just crash while processing.


Power BI is an important tool for businesses. This Power BI Tutorial gives all the details that you need to know about Power BI. We have also highlighted the advantages and disadvantages of Power BI so that you can make the right decision for yourself.

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